Implant Overdentures

Traditional removable dentures are designed to rest on the gums and replace missing teeth in the upper or lower arch. They have long been used as a standard method for complete teeth replacement. On the other hand, implant overdentures are a type of denture that is supported by dental implants, offering significant differences and advantages over traditional dentures, including a clearer understanding of overdenture cost.

implant overdentures

Overdentures utilize snaps or locks to attach to dental implants in the jaw, providing a secure fit and preventing movement or displacement. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures do not slip or become loose. They can be easily removed for daily cleaning while maintaining good gum health through regular cleaning.

Traditional dentures often require the use of adhesive pastes or powders to enhance their stability. However, they may still become loose throughout the day as the adhesive weakens, impacting speech and making eating challenging. Food debris and tiny particles can also get trapped under traditional dentures, causing discomfort.

In contrast, overdentures offer stability without the need for adhesives. They remain securely in place, eliminating clacking noises during speech, which can occur with traditional dentures. With implant-supported dentures, there is no worry about dentures slipping out of place or falling.

It is important to distinguish between implant-supported dentures and implant-retained dentures. Implant-supported dentures rely on the implants for support, while implant-retained dentures utilize the gums for support. More implants are typically used for implant-supported dentures, and in some cases, mini implants can be used for implant-retained dentures. Implant-retained dentures require daily removal and cleaning, and it is not recommended to sleep in them. They are suitable for individuals who primarily consume softer foods.

Implant-supported dentures are generally more costly than implant-retained dentures, but both options can provide a high level of satisfaction. Your dentist will assess your oral condition and jawbone structure to recommend the most suitable denture type for your specific needs, taking into consideration the overdenture on natural teeth as well.

For further information about implant-supported dentures and implant-retained dentures, reach out to the experts at Zahn Implant Club. Schedule an appointment for an examination and consultation to explore the possibilities of achieving a beautifully secure smile with dental oral surgery.