Dental Implant Bar
When considering restorative dental options, one choice is local dentist secured dentures. Overdentures, which combine dentures and dental implants all on 4, can provide a beautiful new smile with the stability offered by implants. A crucial component of overdentures is the dental implant bar, which securely holds the dentures in place in the mouth, creating a natural-looking and functional smile that doesn’t slip.

The dental implant bar is a customized device that attaches to the dental implants in the mouth. It can be used for both upper and lower overdentures. While the overdentures are removable for cleaning, the dental implant bar remains permanently secured to the dental implants. This creates a stable and secure attachment for the overdentures to the upper and lower jaw.
The process of fitting the dental implant bar involves customizing it to fit the implants and the new overdentures. Once the dental implants have healed and integrated, the dental implant bar is screwed onto the implants. Some patients may have a dental implant bar on both the upper and lower jaws, while others may have it on only one side, depending on their specific needs. The overdentures are equipped with small clips that attach to the dental implant bar, ensuring excellent retention and stability for the dentures.
While the dental implant bar is not removable like the overdentures, it still needs to be cleaned. Patients can brush it for cleaning, just like they would clean natural teeth.
Dental implant bars allow for the use of removable overdentures that snap securely into place, creating a stable and non-slip smile. Dental implant secured dentures with an implant bar can boost patients’ confidence in their smile, particularly during activities like talking, laughing, and eating. If you want to learn more about dental implant secured overdentures and the process of restoring your smile, contact our team at Zahn Implant Club today.